
A The Publications Office PSA: Slow The Fuck Down, Asshole

Or Else

What has happened to the "complete stop", Philly? Having gone to college in Massachusetts, I became accustomed to drivers STOPPING at stop signs and waving pedestrians on. But Philly isn't down with that gay New England shit. Now I try to cross the street, invariably, I get a third of the way through the crosswalk and the bullshit begins to rain. Some J.O. will slow up to about 10 mph, from afar he gets the measure of me, sees that he can make it through the intersection before I would reach him. OK fine, you win, bro. But then, and this is what really gets me, is the look you get from the asshole, something like, "Walking, are you fo real?"

Yeah I fucking am, and here's why. What if I was on my way to work? What if I was close to being late for work? What if I worked for a complete dick who told me if I was late for work, even one time, I would be fired? What if it was the morning rush? What if I had to cross a busy intersection that had 4 way stop signs? What if every motorist did the rolling stop described above? What if I lost my job because of it? What if I couldn't afford to take the really hot asian girl who lived upstairs, who I tentatively called my girlfriend, out on dates because I had no job, no money? What if these losses made me depressed, then angry, then dangerous because no one possessed the common courtesy to allow me to cross the street?

***** If you drive a car in Philly and you come to a stop sign and you see someone waiting to cross the street, please wave them on. *****

Thank You,
T.P.O Staff

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