
Man Man, Man

(Photo by Jen Reel)

Man Man
Vox Populi

Man Man is blowing up as we speak. The critics loved Six Demon Bag, they loved Man²'s live act. But only last year, Man Man were just some Philly dudes, that played some crazy shit the local kids could do the "Philly Phreak" to. So when Man Man played The Voice of the People before embarking on a national headlining tour, it was less of a show, more of a Triumph for the city's best band.

The set opened hot, with a bunch of Six Demon's upbeat numbers. All the rock kids starting flipping out, mashing, crowd surfing, taking their shirts off, sweating. Without a doubt the "Best Character of the Night Award" went to a 7'3 dude, bearded, who clearly came to the show right from the office (fuckssake, he was wearing a suit.) When Man Man really got going, ripping into "Tunneling", this guy lost it. His tie became a headband. He took his suit jacket off, then his shirt, but thank god he kept the wife beater on. He even took his pants off at one point, I think. Then he joined two forty year old art teacher-type chicks in a rain dance. Great Man Man show, or best Man Man show ever?

Anyways, the set closed just as strong as it opened. On "Ice Dogs" lead singer Honus Honus and the crowd went a cappella with the hook for about 3 minutes. And there was of course a victory lap, ahhum encore, and it was only fitting that they played "Black Mission Goggles." As a Philadelphian though I could not help leaving the show with a sense of remorse, wishing that we didn't have to share this band.

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