
Dear James...

Who is that handsome man in the portrait above the mantle?

So these are the latest upcoming LCD Soundsystem tour dates. As the story often sadly goes, the itinerary has been released without a Philly date! But as the story ultimately goes, we're quite sure one will be added later (we Philadelphians here at T.P.O. can read the holes in touring itineraries like Neo can read 1s & 0s).

But, James, just so you know, dude, we want our Philly date as soon as possible! However, James, please feel free to take our suggestions at this time, since we are in the fortunate position of suggesting the exact details of what we want from your TBA Philly date. Check it:

1. Location: Powell House ballroom***
(where George & Martha Washington celebrated their 20th anniversary!)
2. Capacity: 75-100
3. Openers: Dave P. & co., Simian Mobile Disco, 2 Many DJs
4. Post-set DJs: Daft Punk dressed as Ben Franklins
5. Theme: "A Rave-o-lutionary Dance War" (ie, A Colonial Rave: fake muskets, real glow sticks)
6. Catering: Pretzels, but no cheesesteaks (let's keep it classy)
7. Date: We'll let James pick the date.

So you got all that, James? Can't wait!

***Dancing ban temporarily lifted for this event only!

1 comment:

CJR said...

This is a great idea, Jordan. I volunteer for an exhibition jiu-jitsu match, too, if James wants that on the bill.