
Breaking News: New M.I.A. Record Leaks!

Rad SS gigposter by Strawberryluna

"Exclusive: "T.N.M.I.A.R.I.G.2S.", from M.I.A.'s new record, Bento

Scissor Sisters
The Electric Factory

The year was 2004. The date, September 8th. That evening, Scissor Sisters played a way-sold-out show at The Khyber in Philly (incidentally, it was also the first night of the fun, but short-lived, "Cobras & Matadors" Wednesdays!). They exploded people's minds with their refreshing mix of totally-danceable neo-disco-meets-fag-hag-theatre-rock and over-the-top stage antics. "Take Your Mama" was a minor hit at the time, so it was no surprise that the show was utterly freaking packed. During the time that Scissor Sisters graduated from Pretzel-lovin' crowds of 250 to 2,500, their ability to translate their songs into body movin' live anthems has impressively improved. At their recent Electric Factory show, first-album hits like "Tits On The Radio" and "Filthy/Gorgeous" were effectively enhanced with bouncier synth basses and steady 4/4 drum beats. Meanwhile, newer SS tracks "I Don't Feel Like Dancin'" and "Lights" and "Kiss You Off" (à la Stuart Price) naturally translated quite well to the we-do-feel-like-dancin' crowds of flamboyant men, large women, and run-of-the-mill hipsters that SS (understandably) attract. I'm not usually one to judge or psychoanalyze, but I have a message for that dude who looked so miserable during the show, standing with his hands in his pockets, looking disgusted, accompanying his girlfriend (who was having a great time in spite of his BS): You're obviously a serious homophobe and you need to consider dealing with your issues. (You also probably wouldn't know a good album from a video game soundtrack and are sadly incapable of loving another human being.) And yo... Don't forget to change your socks & clocks!

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