
If our parents did this with "The Neverending Story" I would probably have a meth habit by now

Excerpt from a Harry Potter fanbase mothers group. Republished with author's permission for the use of TPO.

"The world of Harry Potter is a place where the mundane and the marvelous, the ordinary and the surreal coexist. It’s a place where cars can fly and owls can deliver the mail, a place where paintings talk and a mirror reflects people’s innermost desires. It’s also a place utterly recognizable to readers, a place where death and the catastrophes of daily life are inevitable, and people’s lives are defined by love and loss and hope — the same way they are in our own mortal world." - New York Times July 19, 2007.

Good morning all,
Just some words from the morning paper I thought summed up and also opened up our discussion from the past 4 weeks. Tomorrow, or rather midnight tonight our families will open the last new pages of Harry Potter!! When you first opened a book in this series, chances are your little wasn't even a glimmer in your eye .

Haha, I'm sure I was in a coffee shop with a fancy latte, a magazine, and 2 hours to kill... those were the days.
For we in the Seven and Under of this webgroup, our children came into a world already entraced with Pottermania.

Moving on. It was the steam blast that allowed me to come to grips with THE issue. Ladies, when your 6 yr. son is known to be in a now "frozen zone," a book about wizarding becomes a non-issue.

For the past three weeks we have been discussing (with threads rather heated. sorry on my part, Diane!!:0 )

Yes, Harry Potter may die in this next novel.
Yes, the most recent movie is far too graphic for his younger audience.
Yes, we may feel un-safe from spoilers tonight at the book release at B&Noble tonight.

To those who wish to keep away from the release party for fear of shouters/spoilers/rabllerousers... will you let these sour apples spoil the butterbeer? If we bring games for the line waiting, snacks, and trivia coloring books (donated by Jodie Trilling) I feel confident we can make this a wonderful experience for our children.
encourage you to dive in and join the fun.

To address the J.K. Rowling advisory against taking under sevs to the current flick: we are all in this for the childrens literature and not media-angling (and sexualizing)...
NOT UNDER SEVEN! Take 'em to Ratatooile!!

Hopefully we can keep this meetings going as we close the final pages of book seven.
See everyone tonight, costumed and excited, at Barnes and Noble- 14th at 5:30pm!

Wingardian Leviosa!!!!

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