
My Hustle 2

Jack Bauer has just dived through their window

A few new things I discovered this weekend:
  • Matt Tinari is really intense when it comes to "Scattergories." But the intensity in no way rivals his brilliance at the game. He also knows all about pussy jizz.

  • Georges Duboeuf's Merlot is awesome and it only costs ten bucks for the big bottle.

  • Everybody should snag the edit of Panda Bear's "Bros" if they have a sec. The album version clocks in at over 12 minutes, with the final seven minutes doing that sprawling jam thing, so its nice to have the catchy part of the song at your disposal.

  • While we're on the subject of music, because it had linked T.P.O. (thanks btw), I found a crit/mp3 blog with really good taste in dance music. I fully co-sign the Killer Mike critique.

  • The bar between 2nd and 3rd on Market, the one that is only identified by the stained-glass window above the door which reads "Tavern", has as much of that Nietzschean "relaxed/content man in a Dingey during a hurricane" appeal as does The Khyber, maybe more. We went there on Saturday night. While having a cig, we were able to make fun of all the people waiting to get into Red Sky. Later that evening, a dj came in and played Konk's still amazing "Baby Dee."

  • London Broiled lunchmeat and Emeril's "Smooth Honey Mustard."

1 comment:

J T. Ramsay said...

TPO bigs Anthony's up? And merlot? Is this secretly a Phawker guest post?